March 12, 2001

For Immediate Release
Contact: Heli Roiha (510) 841-2800

Berkeley Symphony Orchestra Presents Under Construction No. 11, a Concert of New Works by Local Composers, Sunday, April 8, 2001, at 7:30pm at St. John's Presbyterian Church, Berkeley

BERKELEY, CA (March 12, 2001) .... Under Construction, the Berkeley Symphony's unique series of new music concerts, showcases premieres of new works and works-in-progress by local Bay Area composers. The unusual rehearsal reading format lets the audience experience the collaboration between conductor, orchestra and composer in creating a new orchestral work. The concert and the following reception are free to the public.

The April 8 event will feature premieres by two young Bay Area composers: The Art of Light by Mary Stiles and Fog Patterns and Clouds by Mark Winges. Both works will be conducted by the Under Construction Series' Artistic Coordinator George Thomson. The concert will conclude with a reading of the first and third movements from Different Worlds of Sound, Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra by David Sheinfeld. The soloist will be the Berkeley Symphony principal percussionist Ward Spangler. This Concerto was commissioned by Maestro Kent Nagano for the Berkeley Symphony and will be included in the 2001-2002 season programming. Maestro Nagano himself will conduct this preview in honor of David Sheinfeld's work and contribution to the musical life of the Bay Area.

All the composers will be present at the concert and will be interviewed by Maestro Nagano, who hosts the concert. The conductors will use a microphone while working on the music so the audience can listen in on the interaction between the conductor and the orchestra. The orchestra will rehearse each work briefly, then play a run-through, which is recorded for the benefit of the composer. After each run-through, audience and orchestra have the opportunity to pose questions about the work to the composer.

The concert is followed by a reception where the audience can meet the composers and the members of the orchestra.

Under Construction No. 11
Artistic Coordinator: George Thomson
Conductors: Kent Nagano and George Thomson
Sunday, April 8, 2001 7:30pm
St. John's Presbyterian Church
2727 College Avenue, Berkeley
FREE concert and reception

© 1999-2001 Berkeley Symphony Orchestra. All rights reserved.