Another crazy day. Work hard in the morning. Work! Randy, Work! Zoom over to San Francisco via BART for a matinée with the [[2014-05-01-1|San Francisco Symphony]]. Zoom! Randy, Zoom! Race back home (after picking up fresh veggies at the market) for a quick salad and a few chores. Race! Chomp! Burp! Then fly down the hill to Zellerbach for the last gig on this year's season with the [[2014-05-01-2|Berkeley Symphony Orchestra]]. Did I snooze? Not with two new pieces to start of the show. Well, maybe a little bit during the big Beethoven Fifth Symphony that ended the evening. Snort! Hmmnph! Clap, clap clap! [[:2014:2014-04:2014-04-30|Back to the previous event]] ☸ [[:#section2014|Back to the 2014 yearbox]] ☸ [[:2014#may_events|Back to the 2014 event list!]] ☸ [[2014-05-01-1|On to the next event!]]