# CHANGELOG (oldest first!) ## 2010-02-22 ARTSv1.1 * later renumbered to GAT 1.8 * modified URL specification to require enclosure by angle brackets * modified definition of DATE, added DATE GIG, DATE RELEASE, DATE REPRINT ## 2012-01-05 v1.9 * renamed system acronym (again!) to emphasize that these notions are purely a guideline, rather than any sort of enforceable standard. * updated definition of DATE RELEASE to include torrents * added tags: DATE TAGGED and DATE PURCHASED * assigned version numbers to older systems for script updating: * RAFTSv0.x => renumbered to GAT 0.x * RAFTSv1.x => renumbered to GAT 1.x (covers 1.0 to 1.6) * ARTSv1.0 => renumbered to GAT 1.7 * ARTSv1.1 => renumbered to GAT 1.8 * GAT 1.9 = this set of minor changes ## 2012-01-09 v2.0 * renamed FUNDER -> ARTISTSORT to bring the tagname into accord with MusicBrainz * Deprecated a few more tags: * ABBR - The difficulty in reconciling the need for a SHORT ID with the requirement for one that is also UNIQUE, combined with the fact that short filenames are no longer as necessary as in the days of 8+3 leads me to drop this tag from the GAT system. * CONDUCTOR - folded back into PERFORMER with other contributors * REMIXER - folded back into PERFORMER with other contributors * Finally posted this information online :-P ## 2013-xx-xx v2.1 * uhh, duh....gotta be something different, can't recall as of this moment, but I see scripts versioned as 2.1... * here's my best guess for why I incremented the version number: slack permitted in audio file names ... that is, deviation from the standard is OK, provided the tags are present. Partly this is a logical consequence of deprecating the ABBR tag, since without one, you can't say the filename **must be** something like ABBR_YYYY-MM-DD_tNN. ## 2014-08-06 v2.2 * Updated to use [markdown inline link style](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#link) for better readability of URLs This is [an example](http://example.com/ "Title") inline link, note that the Title string is optional and will typically be omitted. Read [this article](http://www.searchenginejournal.com/how-to-use-link-title-attribute-correctly/) for far more info about this link attribute. ## 2015-xx-xx v2.3 * Hmmn. Don't seem to have noted the change date here. Yessiree, I am an idjut! * Added optional date info to CREDITS for better utility/readability. ## 2016-02-07 v2.4 * Trying to balance the utility of markdown formatting against readability, (as the inline link style introduced in v2.2 isn't necessarily that readable), I've decided to introduce a new field, REFLINK, for storing reference-style links. The notion being that this permits simple cut and paste (using those reflinks), while preserving the necessary link information elsewhere. * I've also decided to relax about the inclusion of simple markdown formatting -- as it's a hassle to remove it, I'm not going to worry about whether or not it's present. Sure, it results in storing extraneous metadata (since the markdown characters don't get expressed by any audio players, except as unnecessary ascii characters), but in the scheme of things, it's not going to add much to the file size. * Un-deprecated ABBR -- although it's impossible to make a unique assignment for every possible ARTIST (too many artists, not enough characters), as convenient shorthand, I'd prefer to read short filenames than long ones, and using ABBR is one way to accomplish this in an efficient manner. ## 2019-09-02 v2.5 * Found _luigimercurio_'s [m-TAGS](https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_tags) component for foobar2000, decided that it's just the thing to switch to using as a tagger rather than Masstagger and other tools used previously for the following reason(s): * By using a .tags file to store metadata about a fileset, there's no need to change the underlying files (by adding tags), all the better to keep things identical with a shared source/checksum for future sharing. * Since foobar2000 treats .tags files as playlists, this also gives a convenient shortcut for future playback. * Since a .tags file is reasonably readable in a plain text editor, it's easy to share with other folks, unlike Masstagger scripts * Since a .tags file is JSON compatible, it will display nicely in any JSON editor, such as [JSON Editor Online](http://jsoneditoronline.org/) * Next... ---- [[gat|Back to the main GAT page]]