# MBox Filename Restrictions Here's the problem: I want to be able to easily and clearly mark directory names for audio filesets on my regular Windows working drives to indicate when they have been GAT-tagged. It would be suave to use a neato artistic glyph like ☸, but anything beyond the bounds of the plain old [ASCII code chart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#Code_chart) tends to cause unexpected problems with older Windows apps (like Robert Hoffman's indispensible package, [Trader's Little Helper](http://tlh.easytree.org/), which relies on ancient code to create the functional GUI). And since I'm currently sharing these filesets over to a NAS running a weirdo derivation of Linux, I need to avoid using characters that might inadvertently cause problems there too. So the next two lists are a quick reminder to me of the reserved characters that absolutely COULDN'T work for my desired purpose. ## Linux Reserved Characters ^ Glyph ^ Glyph Name ^ | / | (forward slash) | | '\0' | (NUL) | ## Windows Reserved Characters ^ Glyph ^ Glyph Name ^ | < | (less than) | | > | (greater than) | | : | (colon) | | " | (double quote) | | / | (forward slash) | | \ | (backslash) | | %%|%% | (vertical bar or pipe) | | ? | (question mark) | | \* | (asterisk) | | | AND all control codes (<= 31) | The list above was extracted from an MSDN reference page posted at %%https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247(v=vs.85).aspx#naming_conventions%% (the dokuwiki interpreter chokes on the parens embedded in the URL, so I don't seem to be able to create a clickable link to that anchor. sorry!) ## Randy's list of goofy characters to try using for secret abbreviations ^ Glyph ^ Glyph Name ^ Comment (reason not to use this glyph) ^ | ! | (bang) | negation operator | | # | (pound) | unix script commenting character | | $ | (dollar) | unix variable signifier, eg, $var1; EOL in regex | | % | (percent) | modulo operator | | & | (ampersand) | concatenation operator | | \( | (left paren)| open regex group | | \) | (right paren)| close regex group | | + | (plus sign) | addition operator | | ; | (semicolon) | unix script command separator character | | = | (equals) | assignment operator | | @ | (at sign) | _HEY FOLKS! IT LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE A WINNER!_ | | \[ | (left bracket)| open regex range | | \] | (right bracket)| close regex range | | ~ | (tilde) | home directory shortcut | | %%^%% | (caret) | beginning of line in regex | | \{ | (left brace)| regex marker | | \} | (right brace) | regex marker |