# Meditations (of one kind or another) Following the example of [Marcus Aurelius](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Aurelius), I've been compiling bits and pieces of ideas for awhile -- my own version of [Meditations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meditations) Some of them follow: * Robertson Davies: on the superiority of [[Ornamental Knowledge]] over Useful Knowledge * Robertson Davies: on [[Wit]] * Floyd Dixon: on [[recognizing God]] * Lafcadio Hearn: on human [[evolution]] * Taurus Mateen: [[jazz hands]] * Haruki Mirakami: on [[Pain and suffering]] * Shams-e Tabrizi: on [[love]] * Rabindrath Tagore: on the spirit of [[renunciation]] And the rest? Dispersed in the wind, I guess. Those that have been consigned to scraps of paper or bits in a diary application may end up here eventually...