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San Salvador at Littlefield Room, Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse, April 16, 2023

Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse presents San Salvador Littlefield Room, Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse 2020 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94704-1104 USA 2:00 PM, Sunday, April 16, 2023

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One Set

[2:00 PM] {House announcements from Renee}
[2:01 PM] {band out}

  1. [2:01 PM] San Josep
    [2:08 PM] {greetings from GD}
  2. [2:10 PM] Lo Mes de Mai (the Month of May Will Come)
    [2:16 PM] {long yack}
  3. [2:19 PM] La Liseta
    [2:30 PM] {Intro story for the WWI song that comes next}
  4. [2:31 PM] La Fin de la Guerra (the End of the War)
    [2:39 PM] {We're going to close with two very long songs}
  5. [2:40 PM] Enfans de la Campagna
    [2:49 PM] {thanks to all; intro Easter-caroling story for the last song}
  6. [2:52 PM] La Grande Folie
    [3:04 PM] {final applause}
    [3:05 PM] done


San Salvador


Today's show was certainly unusual: three guys, three gals, four playing percussion, all singing. Sometimes solo, other times in unison groups, sometimes in harmony or counterpoint, other times in contrary rhythms. It was exceedingly strange. Gabriel Durif's summary was that the band was performing Occitan polyphony – an imaginary historical repertoire of his region of France. It's curious to note that San Salvador is signed to the same promotional agency as DakhaBrakha: I wonder if that's an organic relationship or one put together by a svengali working behind the scenes. Anyways, it will be interesting to see if they stick together and come up with something new beyond their first album (most of which was performed today).

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