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Lost Dog Found at Union Square Park, September 20, 2017

Union Square Live presents Swing in the Square featuring Lost Dog Found
Union Square Park
333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108-4901 USA
6:00 PM, Wednesday, September 20, 2017

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Set One

[first set starts about 6 PM – but I don't arrive until 8 or ten minutes later.]
[Being tired and extra lazy tonight, I don't try to keep a set list]
[From memory, I recall hearing the following tunes]

[set ends ~7 PM]
[A swing dance lesson begins, but we decide it's time to eat! So we decline the lesson AND the second set of music, in order to seek out sustenance…]


Lost Dog Found


It's fun to have free gigs to attend, especially when you need a place to meet, and that's how we ended up at Union Suare tonight, meeting fellow Wheelie's Tim Dalton and Joanne Peterson. Since my primary mission was linking up, the listening side of things got a bit of the short shrift. Or to put it another way, I let myself slack, and simply listened, rather than making any notes about what the band was doing. Thus the relatively useless bullet list above! I'm guessing they probably played at least 5-6 other tunes, and while I might have recognized a few, I didn't pay enough attention to memorizing what went down to say anything sensible about it now. Well sorry, one thing: Lost Dog Found knows how to play party music, and if you want to have fun and dance to jump blues, they're definitely going to please you!

After a bit of palavering between the hungry wheelies (Joanne and me!), our group headed off to see about getting dinner at Mensho Tokyo, a small ramen shop that;s been on the super-hip list for at least two years, but finding that the wait line was likely at least 45 minutes, we opted to circle around to Sakana Sushi Bar & Grill on Post St. Yum! Ting and I have eaten there a couple times now, and while it's not very fancy, the fish has always been super-duper delicious, and the prices are quite reasonable – you'll be fine as long as you don't get carried away and order too much!

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